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Hope you enjoyed these jokes...Have any that you think should be posted... send them with the recommended subtitle to post them under.
If you want credit for them, then please include your information and credentials with them and I'll post them as they are.
I might re-format the stories or correct spelling (if required), but I will not remove any content from them.
Remember... I have the right to choose whether or not to post them as well depending on content, but as you can see from above... I have yet to run across any such jokes.
And this ends my collection. Below here is a list of other sites which have tons of jokes on them as well. If you want your site added to the list, please e-mail me.
- 1001 Tasteless Jokes
- AAA Joke Server
- ABC Jokes
- Abu El Abed Jokes (in English)
- Adam Sandler's Joke Page
- Ah-Bob's Place
- Al Gore Jokes & Stuff
- Al's Joke Page
- Anekdota
- Another Jokes Page
- Archie Bonker's Comedy Shoppe
- Ayoh Kadavule!
- Bar Jokes, Caroline's
- Bar Jokes, Steven Richter's
- Beer Jokes Page, The
- Best Jokes of '95
- Bill Clinton Jokes
- Billy Gates Jokes
- Blackie's Comedy Shop
- Blonde Jokes [atlantic.net]
- Blonde Jokes [coffey.com]
- Blonde Jokes [kellys.com]
- Blonde Jokes [ukans.edu]
- Blonde Jokes [now2000.com]
- Blonde Jokes, Complete Set [ece.ntua.gr]
- Blonde Jokes on the Web
- Blonde Jokes, Jeremy's Super List
- Blonde Jokes, Random
- Blonde Jokes, Super
- Blonde Jokes, Suzanne's
- Canonical List of Lawyer Jokes [usyd.edu.au]
- Chris Farley Jokes
- Christmas Jokes
- Chuckle.com's Joke of the Minute
- Classic Internet Jokes
- Clean Jokes
- Clinton Jokes
- Clinton/Lewinsky Jokes
- Clinton/Monica Lewinsky Jokes
- Clinton Scandal Jokes
- Comedy Corner, The
- Complete Collection of Men Jokes
- Cop Jokes
- Cow-Approved Jokes Chat Room
- Cyber Comedian
- Daniel Flower Joke Site
- Daniel's Web
- Dave Grohl's Top 10 Drummer Jokes
- DemonRage's Home
- Die Laughing
- Don's Jokes
- Dumb Jokes
- Ed's Jokes
- Financial Jokes
- Fish Tank, The - Domain of Borris the Fish
- Football Jokes [scatty.com]
- Francis' Collection of Jokes
- Fringe's Joke of the Random Interval Unit
- FunniGurl
- Funny Stuff
- Funnyjokes.com
- Gerard's Joke Page
- Grey Elephant Jokes
- Heller's Joke Database
- Humor From the Edge
- Humor Us
- Humor Vault
- HumorShack.com
- Index of Jokes
- Instrument Jokes [mit.edu]
- Instrument Jokes [ox.ac.uk]
- Jay Dee Got Jokes
- Jester: The On-line Joke Recommender
- John F. Kennedy Jr. Jokes
- John's Jokes
- Joke Bag, The
- Joke Cafe
- Joke City
- Joke Club
- Joke Jungle
- Joke of the Minute
- Joke Page
- Joke Page, The [wizard.com]
- Joke Post
- Joke Time
- Joke Warehouse
- JokEc
- JokeDepot.com
- Jokeindex.com
- Jokemania
- JokePalace.com
- Joker's Corner
- Jokes-4-you
- Jokes - Funnies.com
- Jokes - Laugh a Minute
- Jokes [pair.com]
- Jokes & Funny Stories
- Jokes and Humor.com: Christmas Jokes
- Jokes and Humor Unlimited Chat Room [netfit.com]
- Jokes Are Us
- Jokes Around the World
- Jokes Galore
- Jokes in the Mail
- Jokes of 1995
- Jokes Online
- Jokes Online [James Pope]
- Jokes Page
- Jokes R Us (currantbun.com)
- Jokes R Us (demon.co.uk)
- Jokes Singapore
- Jokes, Humor, And More Jokes
- Jokes, jokes, etc.
- Jokes, Just Jokes
- Jokes-Funnies.com
- Jokes.com
- Jokestan
- Jokes.Entertainmentland.com
- Jokester, The
- JokesZone.com
- Jokomotive
- Just Joking
- Kids Jokes
- Krazy Ass Jokes
- Kyle's Joke Page
- Lame jokes
- Laugh My Ass Off.com
- Laughing Pit, The
- Laughter - The World's Common Language
- Lawyer Jokes [Zelo's]
- Light Bulb Jokes [Clyde's]
- Light Bulb Jokes [netfunny.com]
- Light Bulb Jokes [strath.ac.uk]
- Loonie Bin of Jokes
- Lukas' Humor Page
- Lots of Jokes
- Make You Laugh . COM
- Making Fun of the Swedes
- Mix Veggies
- Murphy, George - Jokes and Humor
- Musty's Maddening Maze
- Nasty Jokes
- news:alt.jokes.limericks
- news:free.jokes
- Nolo's Favorite Lawyer Jokes
- Oh Yes U Are's Jokes & Funnies
- Olaf's Haus O' Lafs
- Oz Jokes
- Police Jokes
- Political Jokes, Random
- Populus Jokes
- Profession Jokes
- Rawge's Wildlife Biology Jokes Page
- Really Stupid Jokes
- Redneck Jokes, Joke City's
- Shecky!
- Sick Jokes Chat
- Sick Twisted Jokes
- Smirk City
- Snicker.net
- Sonny Bono Jokes
- Square Corner, The
- Strangewear
- Superjokes
- Tacky and Tasteless Princess Diana Jokes
- Thanksgiving Jokes
- Thanksgiving Day Jokes [jokepost.com]
- Thanksgiving Jokes for Kids
- Ticklers Dirty Jokes
- Trumpet and Band Jokes
- Ultimate List of Practical Jokes, The
- Uncle Mevin's Joke Page
- Urushoribilis's Jokes
- Vartanik
- Viagra Jokes
- Viola Jokes [mit.edu]
- Viloa Jokes [ox.ac.uk]
- Vocks, The
- Walking-into-a-Bar Jokes, Canonical List of
- Wedding Jokes Galore
- What d'ya call. . . . . . .?
- What's Up With That?
- Woodchucks
- World's Biggest List of Elephant Jokes
- World's Funniest Lawyer Jokes